Saturday, February 16, 2013

FRIGIDITY / STERILITY in female and male

FRIGIDITY / STERILITY in female and male.

Several lacs of females and males are suffering from STERILITY in India and all over the world. There is a general understanding that perhaps homœopathy has nothing to offer on this subject. As a fact of the matter, homœopathy can greatly assist to those couples who are not blessed with a child in spite of their ardent desire and efforts due to sterility either on the part of the female or the male. Homœopathy can change their life to happiness by begetting children in their homes as well as fertile and healthy life. However, on the other hand, treating sterility homœopathically is the most safest and effective in the hands of qualified classical homœopathic practitioners.
STERILITY means difficult or no conception and in other word it is inability on the part of the female or the male partner to produce any offspring.
Formerly and even now the ignorant society or the relations attributed the non-birth of children to the sterility in the female and ignored the husband altogether. It should be noted that in man sterility and impotence are two different terms. Impotence means inability to sexually gratify a woman and sterility means inability to impregnate her. An impotent can be sterile. For conception, only the discharge of semen with living sperms is required. It does not matter whether the erection is strong or the retentive power is long or the female is duly satisfied. The sterility on the part of the male is the absence of living sperms in the semen. Either they are not present at all or are dead. In such a case a man cannot produce however virile he may be. Gonorrhœa and Syphilis are the common and unquestionable causes of depriving the semen of spermatozoa.
Thus the first step to be taken is to get the semen tested before the cause is assigned to the sterility of the wife. If the semen is found lacking in sperms, a well qualified homœopathic practitioner can assist in producing them in plenty. However, if the semen is found quite normal then the cause should be treated out in the female.

·         Sometimes the cause is the presence of acidic secretions specially lactic acid in the vagina and soon as the semen is discharged all the sperms are killed as they cannot live in acid. But the acidity is only detrimental to pregnancy when the male organ is too small to ejaculate the semen direct into the uterus.
·         In individual females the depth of the vaginal cavity varies. In every female the depth is equal to the length of her finger. Thus, female possessing a long middle finger requires a long organ and vice versa. A male organ a little (1 or 2 inches) longer than her middle finger is quite sufficient for her individual purpose.
·         Having intercourse when both the partners are not willing.
·         The correct posture of intercourse is also imperative. Thus, female should lie flat on the back with the man upon her with his face downwards. Her legs should be intercross each other over the man. This posture brings the uterus a little forward and it increases the possibility of impregnation.
·         Intercourse should take place 3 hours after meals. Intercourse should not be taken place just after meals or taking plenty of water.
·         It is also injurious when one (female or male) is extremely hungry or thirsty.
·         Sexual meeting should never be arranged during menses.
·         Place of sexual meeting should be free from interruption and it should be peaceful and comfortable. One should not have any fear of some ones intrusion or arrival during the act of intercourse.
·         Diet which is sour or rich in acids should be given up.
·         Leucorrhœa, painful and scanty menses, amenorrhœa, excessive menstrual flow are also responsible for sterility.
·         Sometimes sterility is due to failure of the ovaries to yield the ova. Conception is only possible when sperm comes in contact with the ovum of the same side.
·         Female’s right and left ovaries produce one ovum every month. One month there is the right ovum and the other month the left. The left sperm and right ovum, and the right sperm and the left ovum cannot unite. Thus pregnancy does not take place.
·         It should be found out if she is FRIGID or if there is any abnormality in menses. It is also imperative to find her sexual feelings.
·         When there is a fault in ovaries, menses are scanty and there is pain in the breast.
·         New growths – fibroids and cancer, etc.
·         Sterility is also caused if there is any tumour in uterus or ovary.
·         Discharge of mucus from vagina after an embrace in female and sterility as a result thereof.
·         Prolapsus of uterus. Uterine displacement.
·         Hypertrophy of the cervix.
·         Too frequent intercourse.
·         Irregularity of menses.
·         Dysmenorrhœa.
·         Constipation.
·         Inflammation of vagina due to leucorrhœa.
·         Dwindling of breast and ovaries.
·         Excessive and premature menses.
·         Hard work (less of sexual passion).
·         Sterility in female with excessive sexual desire.
·         Mental worries, grief and hiding of her sorrows.
·         Constitutional cause.
·         Sometimes sterility is due to the weakness of the uterus which is incapable of holding the fœtus. This weakness of the uterus is also the common cause of abortion.
·         For having children, remember to have intercourse on the last day of the menstrual period or on the third, fifth or seventh day after the period has ceased.
·         Chronic diseases.
·         Other causes of sterility may be diabetes, ulceration of the os uteri, fibroid tumours and enlargement of the uterus.
·         Hysteria.
·         Debilitating diseases like anæmia, tuberculosis, causing amenorrhœa and scanty menses.
·         Endocrinal deficiencies. Obesity due to defective thyroid secretion.
·         Incompatibility between husband and wife.
·         Absence of any essential part of the genitalia i. e. removal of uterus, tubes or ovaries.
·         Atresia of cervix and rudimentary uterus.
·         Imperforate hymen.
·         Malformation or destruction of tubes – due to inflammatory condition like gonorrheal salpingits, appendicitis, etc. (If the lining membrane of the tube is affected, the sterility would be absolute).
·         Partial stenosis of the tubes. It is associated with imperfectly developed uterus (almost an incurable condition).
RUBIN’S TEST is performed to see whether the tube is potent or not, blocked or permeable. Another way of test of the potency and permeability of the tubes is by introduction of a dye (lipoidol), injected into the uterus ; a subsequent X-ray will show not only that the tubes are blocked or not, but also the sites where they are blocked.
·         Inflammatory conditions : such as endometritis, endocervicitis.
·         Cystic ovaries or destroyed as well, due to tumours, etc.
·         Vaginismus.
·         Trauma to the parts.

·         Impotency of long standing.
·         Short and curved penis.
·         Undescended or atrophied testes.
·         Defective seminal discharges : no sperms or undeveloped sperms or a few sperm non-motile sperms ; this may be due to some previous or present disease of the testes, like mumps, tuberculosis, gonorrhœa, syphilis, etc.
·         Sexual neurasthenia.
·         It should be found out if he is having habits of masturbation or suffering from night-falls, spermatorrhœa, impotence or any venereal diseases.
·         Loss of sexual powers with lascivious fancies.
·         Semen thin and odourless.
·         On attempting coition, penis relaxes.
·         Involuntary emissions, discharge too quick, spasms during coition, effects of masturbation, disposition to handle organs.

Treating infertility with FOREVER  LIVING PRODUCTS.

Aloe vera Gel
I have heard quiet lots of stories about people who used consistently pure aloe vera gel or juice and they conceived. The good news in that it has been scientifically proven, and such proves also where supported by people’s testimonies that used aloe vera to treat their infertility problems.
Aloe vera is a power house of nature, and I cannot dispute such stories. Because I have had such stories from someone close to me who I evidently see conceived after the use of aloe vera. They are human being like you and surely aloe vera would work on you too. Aloe vera is adapt genic, so it will definitely adapt to your body and cause you no harm. What is stopping you from using Aloe vera now?
The forever living aloe vera is one of the best quality aloe vera drinks in town. Certified by The Islamic Seal of Approval, International aloe Science, and Kosher rating as one of the best aloe vera drink. It has over 200 nutrients, minerals, vitamins and amino acids required for you to be fertile. Highly recommend for you. Why wait for tomorrow? Start ordering your own today!!! My Distributor id is 255000397747

Royal Jelly


Royal Jelly
 is a milky substance produced by the young nurse worker bees (honey bees) in a beehive. It is secreted from the hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands situated in the heads of young workers and are derived from the proteins and nutrients in the pollen ingested by the secreting bees to feed all of the larvae in the colony, including those destined to become workers.
This rich jelly called Royal Jelly is manufactured solely in order to nourish the young larvae and sustain the queen.
Deep within every ordinary beehive a miracle unfolds. A single bee is chosen to become the Queen. As she feeds solely upon Royal Jelly in large quantities for the next four days, a wondrous food produced exclusively for her by the worker bees, she undergoes an amazing transformation that allows her to live nearly six years. The less fortunate worker bees, feeding only on honey and pollen, live about six weeks!
Astoundingly, if you take the Queen Bee off her diet of fresh Royal Jelly, she also lives about six weeks, just like the worker bees! The span of the worker bee’s life is about 35-40 days; while the queen lives 5-6 years and is extremely prolific. She is fertilized once, and from that moment on can lay as many as three thousand eggs a day during the season.
As incredible as this may seem, she can lay that many eggs for five years. Any creature that has that amount of energy and vitality has to be respected!
It is clear that, when it comes to providing the Queen Bee with sustenance, energy and long life, Royal Jelly can only be described as one of nature’s miraculous foods.
Royal Jelly is produced by stimulating colonies with movable frame hives to produce queen bees. It is collected from each individual queen cell when the larva is about four days old. It is collected from queen cells because these are the only cells in which large amounts are deposited.
Composition & Uses
The overall composition of Royal Jelly is 67% water, 12.5% crude protein (including small amounts of many different amino acids), and 11% simple sugars, also including a relatively high amount (5%) of fatty acids.
It contains remarkable amounts of proteins, lipids, vitamins B-1, B-2, B-6, C, E, hormones, enzymes, mineral substances, and specific vital factors like gamma globulin, which helps your immune system fight off viral infections.
Although some of the elements found in Royal Jelly are in microgram quantities, they still can act supremely with co-enzymes as catalysts or can act synergistically.
Royal Jelly is rich in folic acid and pantothenic acid. In fact, it contains seventeen times as much pantothenic acid (one of the most important substances in the body, essential for the synthesis and metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and several hormones) as that found in dry pollen.
The amino acids in Royal Jelly are of significant interest to nutritionists. Long associated with the ability to fight ‘free-radicals’ in the body, amino acids form the basis of our chemical make-up, and are essential to growth and the ability to fight infection and disease.
In most cases we cannot create our own amino acid, so we must ingest them through the foods that we eat. The actual chemical make-up of Royal Jelly remains an unrevealed Royal secret. The fact is that we can’t recreate Royal Jelly by a recipe or something!
Royal Jelly is a delicate liquid. As soon as it’s removed from the sterile environment it can get infected. So once removed from the hive it must be processed quickly to prevent contamination, ideally within two or three hours.
Our Royal Jelly is gathered from dry, remote, high Sonoran desert regions where pristine conditions provide the ideal environment for our beehives.
It is extracted from the hive and immediately freeze-dried to remove only the excess water from the product, leaving all vitamins, minerals, enzymes and co-enzymes present.
Freeze drying ‘locksin’ the nutritional content of the product and removes the water without affecting the nutrient quality of the product.
Moreover, Forever Royal Jelly is devoid of artificial colours or flavours and is preserved in it’s most natural state.
The source of your product is of vital importance as many bee-keepers may not be equipped to process the Royal Jelly efficiently, and this can lead to degraded nutritional content and various forms of contamination.
Forever Royal Jelly is a powerful super-food which adds a potent punch to our diet and well-being.


Forever Gin-Chia®
Two ancient herbs: golden chia from the West and ginseng from the Eastcombine to create a modern miracle – Forever Gin-Chia.Let this powerful combination of herbs give your body back what your busy lifestyle takes out!  Golden Chia, or North American Sage, was used by Southwest Native American Indians in the America at the turn of the century for its life-sustaining properties.Chia  possesses the highest percentage of the polyunsaturated fatty acids, a-linolenic and linoleic (i.e. about 83.2%), of all crops It is a great source of Omega-3 fatty acidsnatural antioxidants and dietetic fiber… The protein content of Chia is higher than other nutritional grains.Compare Chia’s 19-23% protein to wheat (14%), corn (14%), rice (8.5%), oats (15.3%), and barley (9.2%).
And unlike these other grains, it is a complete protein – meaning that it has the appropriate balance of all essential amino acids.
Forever Gin-Chia – It’s a powerful antioxidant!!! Ginseng is legendary as a tonic earning its name as the “King of Tonics.” It contains eleven saponins, making ginseng an adaptogen [a compound that adapts its effects depending on the needs of the body].
Ginseng is also a potent antioxidant… Together these powerful herbs contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C and D, plus thiamine, riboflavin, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, capsicum, zinc, copper, magnesium and manganese. Combined, they can act to increase stamina and endurance, and support healthy circulation.
INGREDIENTS of Forever Gin-Chia: Sorbitol, Honey, Tricalcium Phosphate, Gum Arabic, Ascorbic Acid, Soy Protein Isolate, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Silica, Stearic Acid, Natural Lemon Flavor, Ascorbyl Palmitate, and Cayenne. CONTAINS SOY.
100 tablets
* Take one tablet, three times daily.
* Powerful antioxidant.
* Good source of protein.
* Can help increase stamina and endurance.
* Helps support healthy circulation.
Forever Gin-Chia – A powerful antioxidant that helps to increase stamina, endurance and support healthy circulation.
 Suggested use 1 x 3 daily (20mins before meals).

Forever A-Beta-CarE® is an essential formula combining vitamins A (from beta-carotene) and E, plus the antioxidant mineral Selenium. Antioxidants are vital in the fight against free radicals (chemical molecules that arise from pollutants in the body and damage healthy cells).

Vitamin A plays an important role in vision, bone growth, reproduction, and cell division. It helps maintain the surface linings of the eyes and the respiratory, urinary, and intestinal tracts. Forever A-Beta-CarE® is a specially formulated dietary supplement that supplies vitamin A to the body from beta-carotene. The body converts beta-carotene to vitamin A in the small intestine during digestion or when it is needed, leaving a low risk of vitamin A overdose (which can be toxic when taken alone in large doses). Beta-carotene is also a recognized antioxidant, making it an ideal companion for vitamin E and Selenium.

Vitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin, is an excellent supplement for healthy skin. It also protects vitamin A and essential fatty acids from oxidation in the body cells and prevents breakdown of body tissues.

Selenium is a trace mineral and is one of the most powerful antioxidant nutrients known to work synergistically with both vitamin E and beta-carotene. It is beneficial in maintaining healthy skin, hair and good eyesight. Recent research shows that Selenium is especially important to men’s health.

This combination of nutrients, available all in one convenient product, is one of the most important complements to good health.
  • Supports healthy skin
  • Supports the circulatory system
  • Powerful antioxidant

DISCLAIMER: All above Product Information is taken from The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure or prevent a specific disease or class of diseases. You should consult your family physician if you are experiencing a medical problem.

Rest of the information provided above is as per my sole understanding and is created by myself or taken from other sources on Internet, Books etc. Please read Company's literature or attend Company's Seminar for more and latest information.


    This is real take it serious, who will believe that a herb can cure herpes, i never believe that this will work, i have spend a lot getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, it got to a time that i was waiting for is death to come because i was broke, one day i hard about this great man called Dr.Ekpiku who is well know for Herpes, HIV, and Cancer cure, i decided to email him I didn't believe him that much, I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and Needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared a herbal medicine and sent it through Courier Service for delivery, he gave my details to the Courier Office. they told me that 2-3 days I will receive the package and after receiving it, i took the medicine as prescribed by him at the end of the one week, he told me to go to the hospital for a check up, and i went, surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me Herpes simplex virus negative, i thought it was a joke, i went to other hospital and was also negative, thank you for saving my life, I promise I will always testify of your good works. if you are herpes simplex virus patient, contact him and I am sure you will get cured, contact him via: Or

    1. Doc, Chukwu Madu herbal home. You are so great sir, I am cured from HIV/AIDS Virus through the help of your mighty herbs. It happened as you said, you never let me down sir I was tested HIV/aids Negative 5 days ago right here in my Country same hospital that tested me positive some months ago. I didn't accept at the first time you saved me from death Sir DR CHUKWU MADU HERBAL HOME, with your herbs.Thank you so much sir. If you are going through any of this virus or infection reach this great herbalist on his personal email:[ ] or WhatsApp him via +2347030936239. He will save you.
      Thanks: my name 'DUNURAI WAYAN' From CHINA

    2. Just wanna say a big thank you Neme Amber for introducing me to Dr Emmanuel the great HERBALIST that helped me prepare home remedies that cured my herpes (HSV 2).
      I was infected with HSV 2 for the past two years and i was unable to get a better job cos all the company i was to get employed checked our blood test and found out that i was positive to GENITAL HERPES and i loosed employment.
      So i was desperate to get a cure so that i can live normal and get my job training.
      i earlier made some research and i contacted some doctors online but they keep on asking for money for courier after that they'll tell you that tax and so more so i became broke and frustrated.
      One day i was less busy so i decided to make latest research on herpes cure and i found a site  were everyone was talking about DR Emmanuel and herbs ability to cure herpes.
      So i discussed with Neme Amber and she explained to me that its very easy working with Dr Emmanuel so i contacted DR Emmanuel via email ( ) and he helped me just as he has helped others now im cured and different medical centers has tested me and approved me cured.
      so i decided to thank Neme Amber cos she made it possible for me.
      and i can also assure you that he can also help you. so if you need the service of DR emmanuel, ill put his details here so that you can easily get in touch wif him.
      his email: or WhatsApp him at +2348140073965.
      my Name is Grace from US,once again thanks to Neme Amber. im fucking hapy....  

  2. I was in trouble when my doctor told me that i have been diagnosed with
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    Have a nice day people.

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  4. Glory to God in heaven. It's good to testify the goodness of God In one's life. Confese your sins and problem to one another so that you can be free forever. I'm a living witness. My name his Harris Dorothy. I was diagnosed of this deathly and shameful disease,Herpes for 4years. Till when I decided to give my life to God believing that he's a merciful God that can heal me. After service that faithful Sunday morning I decided to confess my problem to my father in Lord, Pst John of the RCCG Alaska. He gave me a brief story about his life how,necessary it is to believe in God. He told me how he suffered from Herpes for 7 years,but God makes a way for him through an African Herbalist,Dr. Dominic Elabe who he saw comments of people across online testifying how he's has been curing lots of people with his herbs. And in faith he contacted the Dr. Elabe And he Prepared his medicine and sent to him through the DHL to his home address I was very excited . I requested for the Herbs Doctor contacts . He gave me assurance that all I need to do its to pray for God to forgive my sins and sent his healing power upon my life. I did has he said and quickly contacted Dr. Elabe after a short conversation,I had to prove to me and I believed him after going through his pictures with patients and of live webcam conversation with all the documents recommending him to cure all sickness . I explained all my problems to him and all my Pst told me about its capability and talents in Herbs cure.....He gave me full assurance that I shall receive my cure if I can limit myself from what I eat and follow its medication rules because herbal and medical prescription don't go together. I requested for the immediate cure for my medicine. He papered the herbs and sent it the same way. Not upto 3weeks after taking his medicine,I began to experience lots of changes in me. To the glory of God, my HSV result,tested negative as he said....Am urging you all suffering from this diseases or of any kind,and might have any love one's with any deathly virus. God never forsake its children who believe and have faith in not be afraid Dr. Elabe real and ready to cure you from all diseases,sickness or infection not matter the sickness type or distance. Do your best to contact this great And powerful herbalist and watch Dr.Elebe ...he has the cure with his herbs,and it's medicine are very active with no sight effect and active immune booster. Watch him and Contact Dr.............@

  5. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
    liver already present. I started on antiviral medications which
    reduced the viral load initially. After a couple of years the virus
    became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from
    ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC ( in March, 2020. Their
    treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after
    the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing
    treatment! This treatment is a breakthrough for all HBV carriers.

  6. I was tested HSV2 positive and ever since then i have been taking different kinds of medicine but yet no improvement until i saw testimonies on the internet of how Robinson buckler has been curing different people from different kinds of diseases, immediately i contacted him. After our discussion he prepared the medicine and send it to me, which i received and took according to his instructions. Now my doctor just confirmed me HSV2 negative. My heart is so filled with joy, thank you so much Robinson buckler for curing me. If you are reading this and you are suffering from HSV or any other disease you can contact Robinson buckler on this Email address: [Robinson.buckler {@} yahoo. com 💫🖤💫🖤💫🖤💫🖤💫🖤💫🖤💫🖤💫🖤
